It can as well be used for data interchange between different applications. The JavaScript Object Notation file can be used to store and configure data. It is a commonly used format for internet services, APIs, websites. The Object is a data structure with a set of attributes on the same level.

Attributes can only be used inside objects. The Attribute is a key-value, where the key is the name of the attribute. This format contains different types of data: objects, arrays, and attributes. It is a popular text-based technique for presenting structured data in JavaScript object syntax. This is a text document that can be created in any text editor. Operation Status - Indicates whether the operation has been completed, has been queued or has failed.Java Script Object Notation is the full meaning of JSON.Errors - An array of error messages should an error occur.HttpStatusMessage - The HTTP Status message for the response.HttpStatusCode - The HTTP Status code for the response.OperationId - The unique ID assigned to this operation.FileContent - The processed Excel document.Filename - The filename of the document.The ' Convert JSON to Excel' flow action returns the following data. Please refer to the Culture Names article for a list of supported cultures. Culture Name: This setting is used to set the culture for the workbook prior to conversion.Ignore Attribute Titles: Ignores titles of JSON attributes when converting JSON to Excel.Title - Wrap Text: Set whether a titles text is wrapped.Title - Font Bold: Set the title to bold.Title - Font Color: Set the title font color.Ignore Null Values: Ignore JSON properties which contain null values.