Adaptational Alternate Ending: Flat ended this way.The latter notices despite being two years younger, she has a much more developed bust, and says the former is more like the middle schooler. In episode 7, when Izumi shows up, Eriri describes her a little to Utaha.Eriri gets a little unnerved in episode 0 after looking at Utaha's breasts in the hot springs.

Michiru doesn't blame Tomoya though because as she points out, it's mainly her fault for entering his house without his knowledge (that and she's the Shameless Fanservice Girl). After Michiru leaves the bathroom, Tomoya lets out a high-pitched scream. When the conversation concludes, Tomoya goes to take a shower and encounters Michiru, who is undressed after taking her shower. Specifically, they talk about the main character walking in on the heroine while she's undressed, and the essential elements of it, like the heroine letting out a high-pitched scream and calling the main character a pervert.

A second season aired in Spring 2017, and a Finale Movie was released in October 2019. Saenai Heroine no Sodate-kata, otherwise shortened to Saekano, was released as a series of Light Novels that were published from 2012 to 2017, and eventually 13-episode anime adaptation aired on noitaminA starting in January 2015. Meanwhile, Tomoya is shocked to learn that the girl he idolized as his muse for this whole project was none other than his boring classmate, Megumi Kato! In order to make his desire a reality, Tomoya must persuade a few eccentric “creators” such as the ace member of the art club, Eriri Spencer Sawamura, and the school’s top student, Utaha Kasumigaoka, to join his development team. This meeting inspires Tomoya to design his very own “gal-game” featuring a heroine modeled after the girl he saw.

One day, an otaku high school student Tomoya Aki has a fateful encounter with a girl.